Hey there gamers, Flipper here. Why do I always get the urge to blog when it’s pouring rain outside? No matter, nothing can get me down today. I just pre-ordered Fallout New Vegas from GameStop and scored some bonus in-game material. I realized GameStop does this a lot. So much in fact, the phrase, “get your copy at GameStop and receive…” has become like a second slogan.
See for gamers like you and I, we look for any edge to get ahead and any tool that can get us there. For example, I pre-ordered Mass Effect 2 at GameStop and got an exclusive set of armor and an awesome weapon. Not too long ago, I tried to beat the game on insanity. I found I couldn’t beat it unless I used ALL the gear I got from pre-ordering. I needed that extra edge in order to defeat the collectors and win the game. (Rest in peace Legion).
We need that extra edge, especially in online play. By pre-ordering Metal of Honor at GameStop, you could receive an in game M-60 machine gun useable in multiplayer.
Having that extra edge could put you on top or make you a force to be reckoned with. We as gamers put a high value on our multiplayer rank, so any advantage we can get over the competition is in high demand, and GameStop is taking advantage of that.
What’s brilliant is GameStop doesn’t charge more for its games and content. Pre-ordering, and thus receiving in-game stuff costs five dollars, which then comes out of the cost of the game. GameStop provides and extra advantage for shopping with them which is why they dominate the industry.
All I can say is get your pip-boy ready, Flipper needs to game.